Author: Sallie

Summertime is here, bringing the Sun shinies and the much-awaited Pokemon Go Fest 2023. This year's event promises to be the biggest yet, featuring new mythical and shiny Pokemon, exciting features, and more. This guide will provide all the juicy details about the event, including the new additions, exclusive experiences, and how to make the most of your Pokemon Go Fest adventure.

June 2023 in Pokemon Go promises to be an exciting month with a wide range of raid battles, shiny encounters, and events. Take advantage of the regional raids, join our Discord server for raid assistance, and plan your strategies accordingly. Stock up on items during the gold Pokestop event and make the most of the spotlight hours to gain extra XP and candy.

The Rising Shadows Event has begun worldwide in Pokemon Go, and in this guide, we will provide you with all the tips and tricks you need to make the most of this event. Please note that this guide assumes you have basic knowledge of the game mechanics and features.

Trainers worldwide have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of a foreign-exclusive item in Pokémon Go, and the time has finally come. That's right, the legendary Master Ball is making its way to the game! In this guide, we will discuss which Pokémon are worthy of this powerful item. So, let's dive in and explore the exciting possibilities!

Pokémon GO's Valorous Hero event is around the corner, and trainers are eagerly waiting for it to start. The event runs from May 11th at 10 am to May 17th at 8 pm in your local time zone. The Valorous Hero event brings exclusive raids, research tasks, and bonuses, including two times catch candy and two times the chance of getting an XL candy for trainers above level 31.

In this Pokemon Go guide, we will be testing out Primal Kyogre at Level 50 versus Shadow 100 IV Metagross at Level 50. Both Pokemon will be maxed out with 100 IVs, and we will be comparing their performance in raids.

Are you a fan of shiny Pokémon and curious about how long it would take to catch a shiny of every single type in the game? It's a daunting task, but it can be done with the right strategy and some patience. In this guide, we'll go over how to find shinies, which types are worth ranking higher, and some tips and tricks to make your shiny search easier.