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Guild Wars 2 Secrets of the Obscure Pros and Cons: Is it worth playing for new players?

Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure is the latest expansion for Guild Wars 2, and as a new player, you might be wondering if it's worth purchasing. In this guide, we will provide you with an overview of the pros and cons of buying this expansion, giving you the information you need to make an educated decision.



Guild Wars 2 Secrets of the Obscure Pros and Cons: Is it worth playing for new players?


Secrets of the Obscure: Pros

Pros 1. Streamlined Acquisition of the Sky Scale

One of the major advantages of purchasing Secrets of the Obscure is the streamlined acquisition of the SkyScale mount. The SkyScale is a flying mount and is considered the pinnacle of mobility in Guild Wars 2. The expansion offers a more accessible method to unlock the SkyScale, which is crucial for navigating the new expansion zones where flying is essential.


Pros 2. Open World Legendary Items

The expansion introduces open-world legendary items, which are the best gear. These items have the same stat values as ascended gear but provide more flexibility in terms of customization. By playing in the open world, new players can now earn these highly sought-after items without engaging in PvP or raiding, making it more accessible to casual players.


Pros 3. Joining the Community at the Forefront

By purchasing the expansion, new players have the opportunity to experience the new content alongside the entire Guild Wars 2 community. Being part of the initial rush and witnessing the excitement of players exploring new areas and interacting with each other can enhance the overall gaming experience.


Pros 4. Access to Future Story Content

Purchasing Secrets of the Obscure ensures that you have access to any additional story content released in the future. As the expansion's story unfolds, new missions and story chapters will be added, and players who own the expansion can jump in and play without additional costs.


Secrets of the Obscure: Cons

Cons 1. Limited Access to Previous Content

New players who purchase Secrets of the Obscure will miss out on the ten years' worth of previous storylines, instances, and zones. If you value the narrative aspect and want to understand the game's lore, starting from the beginning or catching up on previous content may be important to you.


Cons 2. Missing Other Mounts and Expansions

The expansion focuses primarily on the Sky Scale mount, and new players who solely purchase Secrets of the Obscure will not have access to the other mounts introduced in the Path of Fire expansion. Each mount offers unique abilities and advantages, such as the Skimmer for water traversal or the Roller Beetle for increased speed on open terrain. To fully experience the diverse mount options, players would need to purchase the Path of Fire expansion as well.



For new players considering purchasing Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure, there are several factors to consider. The streamlined acquisition of the Sky Scale mount, the availability of open-world legendary items, and the opportunity to be part of the community during the expansion's release are significant advantages. However, it's important to note that you may miss out on previous content and other mounts from the Path of Fire expansion. Ultimately, the decision depends on your preferences for story immersion, mount variety, and community engagement.

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