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Diablo 4 Amulet Crafting Guide: How to Get the Best Amulets?

In Diablo 4, finding the perfect amulet for your character can be challenging and time-consuming. With thousands of possible outcomes from Obols rolls, it's crucial to understand what makes an amulet valuable and which stats to prioritize. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of rolling amulets and highlight the key stats to look for. We'll also showcase some rare finds that can be excellent additions to niche builds.


Diablo 4 Amulet Crafting Guide: How to Get the Best Amulets?


Amulet Stats to Prioritize

When crafting or hunting for the ideal amulet, there are a few stats that should be at the forefront of your mind:

  • Cooldown Reduction: Cooldown reduction is often the top priority for most characters. It allows you to use your skills more frequently, increasing your overall damage output and survivability.
  • Resource Cost Reduction: Reducing the cost of your abilities is crucial for sustained combat. It ensures you can unleash your most potent attacks without running out of resources too quickly.
  • Movement Speed: Movement speed is essential for manoeuvring through dangerous situations and avoiding deadly attacks. It's a stat that can't be underestimated.
  • Unique Passives: Some amulets may offer unique passives that synergize with your character's build. These can include damage bonuses, damage reduction, or other specialized effects. Keep an eye out for these if they align with your build.


Crafting Your Perfect Amulet

Now that we know what stats to aim for, let's dive into the process of crafting your perfect amulet. Remember, it can be a challenging and time-consuming endeavour, but the rewards are worth it.


- Step 1: Obols Acquisition

You'll need Obols to craft amulets. The maximum you can hold is 1,000, so stock up before you start. Once you're ready, begin the process of crafting.


- Step 2: Identify the Stats

Each amulet you craft will have random stats. You're looking for an amulet with the ideal combination of cooldown reduction, resource cost reduction, and movement speed.


- Step 3: Assessing the Results

As you craft amulets, assess the stats on each one. If an amulet doesn't have the desired stats or rolls poorly, move on to the next one. Don't waste your time on subpar amulets.


- Step 4: Niche Builds

Occasionally, you might stumble upon an amulet with stats that are perfect for a niche build. Even though these are rare, don't disregard them entirely. They can be valuable for specific character builds.


Socket Color Matters

Be cautious of amulets with pink sockets; they may not be suitable for your character. Look for blue or orange sockets, as they offer more versatility.


Sacred Amulets

Once you've found an amulet with promising stats, check if it's sacred. Sacred amulets have higher potential, especially if you can enhance their stats to reach 725 or higher.


Salvaging and Final Choices

Finally, salvage the unwanted amulets to gather crafting materials. Your two best amulets will become the cornerstone of your character's power. Keep them for yourself or consider trading them if they suit your character but aren't perfect.



Finding the perfect amulet in Diablo 4 can be challenging, but with persistence and a keen eye for valuable stats, you can discover game-changing items for your character. Remember to prioritize cooldown reduction, resource cost reduction, and movement speed while also looking for unique passives that suit your build. Embrace the journey of Obols rolling, and who knows, you might stumble upon a rare amulet that opens up exciting new possibilities for your gameplay. 

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