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How to Get Diablo 4 Legendary Aspects Quickly?

Diablo 4 introduces a new feature called Legendary Aspects, which are unique modifiers that can turn Rare items into Legendary ones. When you find a Legendary item drop, it will come with a Legendary Aspect already assigned to it, depending on the gear slot type. Legendary Aspects can also be unlocked by completing specific Dungeons, which are recorded in the Codex of Power and provide you with a baseline of bonuses to improve your character until you find better gear drops. Are you struggling to find legendary items in Diablo 4? Look no further! In this guide, LOLTANK Will show you how to get any legendary aspect fast, so you can dominate the game with powerful gear.


How to Get Diablo 4 Legendary Aspects Quickly?


Firstly, legendary items won't drop as often as they did in the beta, so we need to be strategic. The chances of an event taking place within a dungeon have been increased from 10% to 60% in the latest beta feedback changes update. Therefore, you will find an event in a dungeon more often than not, and that means more ovals. Six times more, in fact. Since you'll be doing dungeons anyway, this method has just become six times better than it was before.


Once you have maxed out your obelisks, head to the purveyor of curiosities. They sell off-hands, weapons, amulets, and any other item slot. We know the exact item slots where legendary aspects can be found by type, so offensive aspects can be found on weapons, gloves, amulets, and rings. The same goes for defensive, utility, resource, and mobility aspects.


Using the cost of each item from the purveyor of curiosities and the item slot where each legendary aspect can be found, we can calculate the best item to gamble for and the most cost-effective way to obtain the legendary aspect you're after. Offensive aspects can be found in gloves, defensive aspects in pants, utility aspects in boots or gloves, resource aspects in rings, and mobility aspects in boots.


For example, if you're a necromancer and you want the aspect of explosive mist, which causes your blood mist to trigger corpse explosion while you're immune is a cloud of blood, you would spam purchase gloves at the purveyor of curiosities because gloves can only hold an offensive or utility aspect. They also only cost 25 ovals, which is the cheapest item you can buy.


When it comes to defensive aspects, the pant item slot can only contain defensive aspects, so you'd spam purchase pants to get that aspect. For utility aspects, both boots and gloves can have both offensive and one other legendary aspect category, and both cost the exact same amount of opals. So if you're looking for both an offensive and utility aspect, buy gloves. If you're looking for a utility and mobility aspect, buy boots.


For resource legendary aspects, you'll want to buy rings because it's the only item slot that only has two categories: offensive or resource. As for mobility aspects, they can only be found in boots and amulets, but since your chance is much higher with boots, spam purchase boots for that mobility aspect.


Lastly, a secret bonus tip on how to get opals really fast. The faster you can get opals, the faster you can go back to gambling for the legendary aspect you want. So, while you're doing all of the above, there's a chance you might find some utility legendary aspects. 

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