Author: Marisa

Fresh Classic WoW servers have been a topic of great interest among the Classic WoW community. With the recent announcement of Hardcore Servers and their impending release date, players who aren't interested in the Hardcore mode are left wondering about the possibility of Fresh Classic WoW servers. In this article, we'll delve into the discussions surrounding Fresh Classic WoW, explore the reasoning behind Blizzard's decisions, and offer insights into the potential timeline for their release.

Welcome to the fascinating world of World of Warcraft transmogrification! In this guide, we will delve into the hidden appearances of weapons and armor, exploring the rare drops and challenges you must overcome to obtain these elusive treasures. From the Scythe of the Unmaker to the Scarlet Crusade transmog, we will cover a variety of hidden gems throughout the game.

Are you ready to gear up and look fabulous in World of Warcraft's Trading Post this August? We've got a fantastic lineup of hot new items that will surely catch your eye. From dazzling class sets to breathtaking mounts and transmog options, you'll be spoilt for choice. In this article, we'll delve into the hot new items available for August. From signature sets to mounts, weapons, and accessories, there's something for every adventurer.

Welcome to this guide on the latest patch 10.1.7, which brings exciting class tuning changes to Restoration Druid, Mistweaver Monk, Shadow Priest, and Holy Paladin. In this patch, we'll explore the talents being removed, the new ones being introduced, and one significant nerf that may shake up the meta. We delve into the details and implications of these changes, preparing you for the upcoming gameplay adjustments.

Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening everybody! In this guide, we'll be discussing World of Warcraft the latest PVP 10.1.5 Solo Shuffle class tier list update. We'll go through each specialization and assess its performance in the current patch. By the end of this guide, you'll have a better understanding of which specializations are best suited for your playstyle and success in Solo Shuffle PVP.

World of Warcraft has launched a hidden legendary questline that takes players on a nostalgic trip down memory lane. This questline involves unlocking a removed version of Scholomance and working with the Argent Dawn to restore the vanilla era of WoW. Along the way, you'll earn new currency, visit Stratholme, unlock a secret entrance to Naxxramas, and discover a treasure trove of secrets and gold-making opportunities.

In Patch 10.1.5, the world of ranged DPS in World of Warcraft offers a variety of fun and engaging options. In this guide, we will explore some of the most enjoyable ranged DPS specs, focusing on mechanics, fantasy, talent builds diversity and overall fun factor. Forget about the meta for a moment, and let's dive into the realms of pure enjoyment. Here are the top contenders for the most fun ranged DPS specs.

Welcome back, fellow WoW players! In this guide, we'll delve into the exciting gold-making opportunities presented by the upcoming Patch 10.1.7, currently on the PTR. This relatively small patch comes with a bunch of achievement changes that can lead to substantial gold gains. By strategically investing in specific professions, transmog items, and farming valuable BoE items in Legacy raids, players can unlock substantial profit-making potential.

Patch 10.1.7 is on the horizon, and World of Warcraft players have a lot to be excited about! In this guide, we'll delve into the incredible new features, class-specific armour sets, potential new playable races, and thrilling challenges coming in this upcoming patch. From Druids of the Flame to Dragon Riding Challenge Courses, get ready to have your mind blown!

Patch 10.1.5 has just landed on live servers, bringing a wealth of exciting new content for you to dive into. But there's no time for rest as Blizzard announces patch 10.1.7, codenamed 'Fury Incarnate,' already available for testing on the PTR. This upcoming update promises to be a game-changer with seven major features that will undoubtedly leave you on the edge of your seat. Let's dive into the highlights of what you can expect in the next big patch!

Patch 10.1.5 has arrived, bringing a plethora of new content for players to explore and enjoy. With so many options available, it's important to prioritize your activities to make the most of your time. In this guide, we'll break down what you should do first in the new patch to ensure you're using your valuable gaming time effectively. Whether you're interested in questing, dungeon crawling, or collecting new rewards, we've got you covered.

Welcome to this guide to Patch 10.1.5, the latest update in the ever-evolving world of WoW. We were surprised by the massive Nerfs and some interesting changes made to the game just before the patch was released. In this guide, we will delve into the class changes, discuss the significant nerfs to the mega-dungeon bosses, explore the potential rogue rework, highlight the alterations to raid loot and uncover the new features introduced in this patch.