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Easy Farming Masses of Ammo in Fallout 76

Fallout 76 is an expansive online game full of adventure and exploration. But no matter how great your character is, they won't be able to survive without ammo. That's why it is important to know how to get massive amounts of ammo quickly and efficiently. In this article, LOLTANK will discuss several different methods for getting ammo in Fallout 76



Easy Farming Masses of Ammo in Fallout 76


Join Daily Ops or Expeditions

Daily Ops and Expeditions are great ways to get ammo, xp, and stem packs. In Daily Ops, the best mode for farming ammo is Uplink. Repair the transmitter, then activate one of the zones (Zone A or Zone B). Stand outside of the zone to slow down the objective at the top right, and the enemies will keep running toward the objective, allowing you to lay them out and collect ammo. In Expeditions, you will get tons of Fallout 76 Caps, ammo, XP, and stem packs. 


Make Ammo Yourself

To make ammo, you will need gunpowder, acid, and steel. You can get acid in Tanagotown and Toxic Larry's Meat n Go, steel in events with Super Mutants and Scorched, and gunpowder by scrapping weapons. You will also need the Ammo Smith, Ammo Factory, and Super Duper cards. Ammo Smith increases ammo production by 80%, Ammo Factory by 150%, and Super Duper has a 30% chance to double anything you make. With these cards maxed out, you can make 230 ammo each time. 


Use Fallout First

If you are a Fallout First member, you can use the Ammo Box. This allows you to stockpile ammo and pull it out as you need it. It costs 1 perk point each time you want to pull something in and out of your legendary card slot. 


Farm Lead

Lead is a key component in making ammo. The best way to get lead is to mine it yourself at Luckyhole Mine. With the Excavator power arm, each time you mine you get four leads instead of one. To get the Excavator, you must be level 25 and read the Sheepsquatch Ate My Brother poster at any train station.


Ammo Converter

The best way to get ammo in Fallout 76 is to use the ammo converter. You can get the ammo converter plan from Mortimer for 1,250 Gold Bullion, with a reputation of being friendly with the Raiders, or you can grab it from Minerva for 938 Gold Bullion during her third week of Emporium and the fourth week of her Big Sale. The ammo converter is great for getting ammo, especially harder-to-get ammo-like stuff that needs fuel or energy. 


You can also double dip Lucky Hole Mine by going to Somerville and collecting 255 books, which will reset all the items in the world, including the lead or deposits. For those who don't have a surplus of junk, you can go into daily ops and collect ammo and then throw it in your ammo converter. Additionally, you can collect ammo from events at random locations. To make it easier to study the conversion types, here's a conversion chart of all the various ammo types and their exchange rates. 


Final Thought

No matter what methods you choose, you can easily get massive amounts of ammo in Fallout 76. So get out there and start farming!

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